mTegrate – Integrate WP with cPanel


There are only a few client-portal web-applications, which enable hosting-providers and agencies to sell hosting-accounts to end-clients and resellers on cPanel-servers. The most popular ones are WHMCS, Blesta and Hostbill, which can be self-hosted as a stand-alone PHP-app.

Many agencies and providers already use WordPress (WP) as an essential part of their marketing- and sales-process. Some of them use the well-kown WP-plugin „WooCommerce“ (Woo) for billing their clients and some use integrations between WHMCS and WP, causing a challenging effort to maintain a secure and reliable connection between the three.

So instead of using these three applications for running the hosting-business
cPanel + WHMCS + WP
why not integrate cPanel directly with WP/Woo?

This is why we want to develop a plugin for WP/Woo, that connects Woo and cPanel directly using the WHM API. This will help to automate the account management and billing for cPanel accounts. The first releases will be used for internal use only.

At a later point and as soon as the project matures for public usage, we will release the „MB Client Portal“ plugin for WordPress within a freemium licence model.


This list will be extended soon and works as a backlog.

  • Add subscription-products in Woo and connect them with packages in cPanel
    • When a client purchases a product, a new cPanel-account will be created
    • Client will receive credentials by email
  • Add storage-upgrade as an Add-on
  • Clients can order multiple products/accounts
  • Each product/account can be upgraded/downgraded from Client Portal
  • to be continued
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Damit wir die Prüfung durchführen können, laden Sie bitte unser "mPress-Admin" Plugin herunter, installieren und aktivieren es auf Ihrer WP-Site. Anschließend bestätigen Sie bitte die Aktivierung über die Mail mit der Auftragsbestätigung.

Wir berechnen den mPress-Support mit 25 € zzgl. 19% MwSt. je Viertelstunde bei minutengenauer Abrechnung. Es gelten unsere AGB & Datenschutzbestimmungen.

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